How do I create a free account?

1. Click on SIGN UP FREE at the top right of the Online Touch website. 

2. Type your email address, full name and company name.

NOTE You cannot change the company name anymore after your account is created, so choose a name carefully. A company name is unique.
If your preferred company name has been taken, try an alternative name.
If you own an international brand name that is taken with your proprietary rights being infringed, you can contact us and attach a proof of your brand name ownership.

3. Click on SIGN UP FREE when you're done.

4. Next, you will receive an email with your password. 

5. Log in to your account. You can change your password after you have logged in.


Create and publish publications

With your free account, you can create and publish free publications (with advertisements added next to your publication) and embed these on your website.
You can also create Basic and Interactive publications (without advertisements and with additional features), so you can explore the possibilities of the features you can enjoy with these options. Take a look at What is the difference between the various price options? 
Only if you want to publish a Basic or Interactive publication you need to buy credits first.