2016 memos 25 Powered by 1 th ANNIVERSARY Out of Home in Belgium and Grand Duchy of Luxembourg memos memos memos

“Full Screen” Zelfs in 25 jaar bestaan als OOH specialist kunnen we ons als Outdoor Services geen drager herinneren die een zo sterke ontwikkeling gekend heeft. Uiteraard spreken we hier over digitale affichage, die zijn aantal inplantingen met bijna 50% ziet toenemen in 2016. Een opmerkelijk traject sinds de eerste schermen in de stations 5 jaar terug ! De schermen hebben hun debuut gemaakt in het hart van de stations. Comfortabel geïnstalleerd in een beschermde omgeving waar reizigers de tijd hebben zich open te stellen. Zo hebben ze zich kunnen bewijzen om stilaan meer terrein in te nemen, de winkelcentra te koloniseren, een badstad te veroveren en sinds nauwelijks meer dan een jaar ook de Brusselse metro in te palmen. En het is duidelijk dat kwaliteit en impact significant op de afspraak zijn. Ondertussen is ‘de markt’ goed voorbereid en wordt er gretig gebruik gemaakt van de vele creatieve mogelijkheden van een ‘6 seconden affiche’. Waarbij je interactiviteit kan laten spelen en de boodschappen aanpassen op maat van de sfeer en de noden van het moment. “Écrans Total” De mémoire d’OOH Specialist, même en 25 ans d’existence, jamais Outdoor Services n’avait repris dans son Memos le développement si rapide d’un nouveau support en OOH. L’affichage digital, qui d’autre, verra en effet son nombre total d’implantations progresser de près de 50 % en 2016. Quel trajet parcouru depuis 5 ans et les premiers dispositifs dans les gares ! Au début, confortablement installé au cœur d’univers captifs, sous contrôle, en attente de faire ses preuves mais aussi en phase de rodage, le digital OOH a progressé à couvert. Colonisant ensuite les centres commerciaux et une station balnéaire, pour, il y a à peine plus d’une année, envahir le métro bruxellois. Et force est de constater que la qualité et l’impact étaient au rendez-vous. Entre-temps “tailor-made”. “le marché” s’est rodé : changeant les “contraintes” créatives d’une affiche de 6 secondes en opportunités, jouant sur l’interactivité et les messages Nous vous souhaitons bon usage de notre guide, L’équipe d’Outdoor Services Powered by 2016 s’annonce déjà comme l’année de l’expansion et verra l’apparition à grande échelle de faces en extérieur : 100 écrans digitaux montés aux entrées des hypermarchés Carrefour et bientôt une centaine d’écrans annoncés au cœur de Bruxelles. Sans compter le développement aux endroits ad hoc des écrans digitaux géants. À l’évidence, la révolution digitale au sein de l’OOH est en marche ! Avec elle, elle emmène de nouveaux challenges : tant en créativité, en efficacité qu’en mécaniques de commercialisation repensées. Elle ouvre ainsi un nouveau champ d’interaction entre l’annonceur et sa cible, un nouveau type de contact, une nouvelle opportunité de conviction et une efficacité encore renforcée des campagnes grâce à ce plus jeune mais si prometteur media de la galaxie Out of Home à qui nous réservons avec grand plaisir une part plus grande que jamais de cette 21e édition de notre Memos. 2016 belooft het jaar van de uitbreiding te worden waarbij de schermen ook in grote getale naar buiten zullen komen: 100 digitale schermen aan de ingang van de Carrefour warenhuizen en binnenkort ook een honderdtal schermen in het hart van Brussel. Zonder rekening te houden met het ontstaan van de reusachtige digitale schermen op zorgvuldig uitgezochte locaties. De digitale revolutie in OOH is in opmars! Hierdoor neemt ze nieuwe uitdagingen aan, zowel in creativiteit, doeltreffendheid, als in de reflectie naar de meest aangewezen commerciële aanpak. Ze opent daarmee een nieuw interactieveld tussen de adverteerder en zijn doelgroep. Alsook een nieuwe vorm van contact en een nieuwe kans om te overtuigen. Om zo tot nog verbeterde en efficiëntere campagnes te komen en dit dankzij deze jonge maar veelbelovende media in het Out of Home heelal. Het is dan ook met veel plezier dat we aan deze drager een grotere plaats toekennen in de 21e editie van onze Memos. We wensen u een nuttig gebruik van deze gids, Het Outdoor Services Team

Summary 1 Haka - Brand Activation Specialist 2 Geodata - Geomarketing Intelligence 3 Supersites 4 Billboards 2 4 6 9 5 Street Furniture 6 Point of Sale 7 Indoor 6 Digital OOH 9 Transit 10 Brussels Expo 11 Mobile 12 Luxembourg 13 Ambiant & Creativity 12 18 20 24 25 30 31 34 40 The data presented in this book were compiled on MARCH 2016. They may therefore be subject to modifications in the natural course of events. Furthermore, Outdoor Services shall not under any circumstances be held responsible for any errors or omissions which the reader may note. 3

Brand Activation Specialist Mystery shopping WWW.HAKABELGIUM.COM NEED GU I DANCE FOR YOUR FI ELD MARKET I NG ACTIVITIES ? COME AND DISCOVER WHAT WE ARE BUILDING ! Free Cross agencies D&L @ Dreamville Dr. Oetker - Pizzaburger Delhaize 4

Brand Activation Specialist 1st Independent Specialist in Field Marketing Trust dom of choice Neutrality Impartiality Benchmarkplans External colleague Field Marketing Campaign monitoring Pitch coordination Objectivity Cost Effi ciency Nestlé Waters Perrier Lotus Bakeries - Suzy 5

Geomarketing Intelligence 6

Geomarketing Intelligence Geodata - the geomarketing department of Outdoor Services - studies the space characteristics of companies’ markets. It solves the marketing and commercial problematics in which geographical dimensions are essential. Thanks to the Geographical Information System tools, Geodata allows the interaction between any georeferenced database : socio-demography, topography, hydrography, street networks, retail, points of interest, access areas, media campaigns, user-specifi c data, etc.. In concrete terms a typical analysis may be : turnover estimation, business location studies, geo-coding of market information, optimization of reseller networks, best fi tted billboard network selection and much more… Geodata proposes an interactive web mapping tool called MPGis that enables users to interact with a predefi ned set of data thus letting users drive their own analysis or easily overview predefi ned geomarketing results (zoom at any scales, information…). More information about your geomarketing partner ? Do not hesitate to contact our specialist Christophe Guisset: 0472 22 24 56 or www.geo-data.be 7

Supersites NATIONAL 16 m² + Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of sites Lighting Price Taxes ± Coverage 5 LARGE CENTERS BRUSSELS ANTWERP GHENT CHARLEROI LIEGE TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FL AALST BRUGGE GENK HASSELT KORTRIJK LEUVEN MECHELEN OOSTENDE ROESELARE SINT NIKLAAS TURNHOUT TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FR ARLON LA LOUVIERE MONS NAMUR TOURNAI VERVIERS TOTAL WELL FITTED CITIES FL WELL FITTED CITIES FR OTHER CITIES TOTAL Clear Channel 16m² & led 14 Monday 48 hours 425 (420 + 5 led) mostly 369 340 31 341 24 urban centers 16m² 91 19 29 62 74 275 4 2 5 5 8 6 5 4 7 7 5 58 2 7 9 9 7 8 42 10 11 24 420 + 5 led Mega 16 m² Clear Channel 16m² & led 14 Monday 48 hours 765 (760 + 5 led) mostly 531 250 56 713 48 urban centers 16m² 162 32 49 103 112 458 8 6 9 9 17 12 11 12 13 16 9 122 6 15 18 15 15 16 85 32 28 35 760 + 5 led Supermix 420 Clear Channel 36 - 16m² & led 14 Monday 48 hours 455 890 42 666 48 urban centers 14 8 11 14 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 + 5 led 71 13 20 41 38 4 4 4 4 9 6 6 8 6 9 4 64 4 8 9 6 8 8 43 22 17 11 340 Supermix 440 Clear Channel 36 - 16m² & led 14 Monday 48 hours mostly 516 846 46 980 48 urban centers 183 32 21 12 12 18 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 + 5 led 71 13 20 41 38 4 4 4 4 9 6 6 8 6 9 4 64 4 8 9 6 8 8 43 22 17 11 340 Maximix 480 Clear Channel 36 - 16m² & led 14 Monday 48 hours 420 (75 + 5 led + 340) 440 (95 + 5 led + 340) 480 (55 + 5 led + 420) mostly mostly 465 700 44 321 24 urban centers 21 8 10 7 9 183 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 + 5 led 91 19 29 62 74 4 2 5 5 8 6 5 4 7 7 5 58 2 7 9 9 7 8 42 10 11 24 420 Maximix 500 Clear Channel 36 - 16m² & led 14 Monday 48 hours 500 (75 + 5 led + 420) mostly 501 280 48 636 24 urban centers 36m² 16m² 36m² 16m² 36m² 16m² 36m² 16m² 28 28 14 8 275 11 14 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 + 5 led 91 19 29 62 74 275 4 2 5 5 8 6 5 4 7 7 5 58 2 7 9 9 7 8 42 10 11 24 420 8

Supersites MOF Trivision (3 networks) Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of sites Lighting Price Taxes ± Coverage 5 LARGE CENTERS BRUSSELS ANTWERP GHENT CHARLEROI LIEGE TOTAL Clear Channel 36m² 14 Monday 48 hours 34 100 % 115 582 8 449 5 large centers 36 m2 16 8 5 3 2 34 5 LARGE CENTERS MOF 60 Triv. incl. Clear Channel 36m² & led 14 Monday 48 hours 60 (55 + 5 led) 100 % 173 610 12 980 5 large centers 36 m2 27 11 6 9 7 60 MOF B2B 80 Triv. incl. MOF 100 Triv. incl. Clear Channel 36m² & led 14 Monday 48 hours 80 (75 + 5 led) 100 % 220 955 17 295 5 large centers 36 m2 26 17 9 14 14 80 Clear Channel 36m² & led 14 Monday 48 hours 100 (95 + 5 led) 100 % 263 665 21 609 5 large centers 36 m2 34 19 13 16 18 100 9

Supersites COMBINATIONS Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of sites Lighting Price Taxes ± Coverage Prestige Senior JCDecaux 38 - 21 - 8m² 21 Monday 24 hours 130 (67 + 22 + 41) 100 % 251 809 (index 100)* 33 760 5 large centers 5 LARGE CENTERS 38 m2 BRUSSELS ANTWERP GHENT CHARLEROI LIEGE TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FL AALST BRUGGE GENK HASSELT KORTRIJK LEUVEN MECHELEN OOSTENDE ROESELARE SINT NIKLAAS TURNHOUT TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FR ARLON LA LOUVIERE MONS NAMUR TOURNAI VERVIERS TOTAL WELL FITTED CITIES FL WELL FITTED CITIES FR OTHER CITIES TOTAL 23 6 7 14 17 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 21 m2 11 8 3 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 8 m2 41 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 JCD PRESTIGE MIX 48 JCDecaux 38 - 21 - 20 - 8m² 21 Monday 72 hours 735 yes 606 267 (index 100)* 73 480 National + JCD SuperStar 48) (JCD Prestige 14 17 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 11 8 3 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 62 49 26 66 64 9 4 7 10 9 8 11 8 8 9 4 87 5 12 8 10 8 11 54 38 9 14 469 135 8 8 0 11 267 162 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 10 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 176 JCD PRESTIGE MIX NATIONAL JCDecaux 38 - 21 - 20 - 8m² 21 Monday 72 hours 875 yes 648 003 (index 100)* 79 105 National + JCD SuperStar National) (JCD Prestige 24 6 7 14 17 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 11 8 3 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 62 56 26 73 66 9 5 8 11 11 11 11 9 12 9 5 101 6 15 10 10 10 13 64 53 11 97 609 136 8 8 0 10 283 162 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 4 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 176 24 6 7 14 17 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 JCD PRESTIGE STREET MIX JCDecaux 38 - 21 - 20 - 8 - 2m² 21 Monday 72 hours 2 860 yes 839 933 (index 100)* 83 893 National + JCD Superstar 48 + JCD Taste) (JCD Prestige 38m² 21m² 20m² 8m² 38m² 21m² 20m² 8m² 38m² 21m² 20m² 8m² 2m² 24 6 7 11 8 3 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 62 49 26 66 64 267 9 4 7 10 9 8 11 8 8 9 4 87 5 12 8 10 8 11 54 38 9 14 469 135 8 8 0 11 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 10 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 176 656 184 0 88 257 162 1 185 33 65 73 51 37 0 71 32 34 41 24 461 3 0 12 73 43 27 158 179 21 121 2 125 * Price Zones: indexes from 75 to 120 in function of periods ➞ consult us 10

JCDECAUX BILLBOARDS SUPERSTAR 48 Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Lighting Number of sites Price Taxes ± Coverage 5 LARGE CENTERS BRUSSELS ANTWERP GHENT CHARLEROI LIEGE TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FL AALST BRUGGE GENK HASSELT KORTRIJK LEUVEN MECHELEN OOSTENDE ROESELARE SINT NIKLAAS TURNHOUT TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FR ARLON LA LOUVIERE MONS NAMUR TOURNAI VERVIERS TOTAL WELL FITTED CITIES FL WELL FITTED CITIES FR OTHER CITIES TOTAL JCDecaux Billboard 20m² & 8m² 14 NEW Tuesday (Wednesday from 12/04) 48 62% 645 (469 + 176) 369 408 (index 100)* 42 280 48 Urban cities 20m² 62 49 26 66 64 267 9 4 7 10 9 8 11 8 8 9 4 87 5 12 8 10 8 11 54 38 9 14 469 8m² 135 8 8 0 11 162 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 10 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 176 Billboards MEDIAGEUZEN SUPERSTAR National JCDecaux Billboard 20m² & 8m² NEW 14 Tuesday (Wednesday from 12/04) 48 48% 785 (609 + 176) 411 144 (index 100)* 47 905 National 20m² 62 56 26 73 66 283 9 5 8 11 11 11 11 9 12 9 5 101 6 15 10 10 10 13 64 53 11 97 609 8m² 136 8 8 0 10 162 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 4 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 176 Premium 24 Mediageuzen 14 20m² & 8m² NEW Wednesday 48 hours na 135 (86 + 49) 92 900 6 500 North + Brussels 20m² 18 15 10 0 0 43 5 2 4 6 3 4 4 6 2 5 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 87 8m² 4 30 14 0 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 20m² 15 16 5 0 0 36 5 2 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 1 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 0 2 144 Premium 48 Mediageuzen 20m² & 8m² 14 NEW Wednesday 48 hours na 193 (144 + 49) 127 800 9 500 North + Brussels 8m² 5 30 14 0 0 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 * Price Zones: indexes from 75 to 120 in function of periods ➞ consult us 11

Billboards BELGIAN POSTERS Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Lighting Number of sites Price Taxes ± Coverage Belgium 800 Belgian Posters 20m² & 10m² & 8m² 14 Wednesday 48 hours 40 % 800 (554 + 128 + 118) 407 000 48 300 ± National Cover 600 Belgian Posters 20m² & 10m² & 8m² 14 Wednesday 48 hours 44 % 600 (384 + 71 + 145) 363 000 38 000 48 Urban cities Access 500 Belgian Posters 20m² & 10m² & 8m² 14 Wednesday 48 hours 49 % 500 (309 + 97 + 94) 301 000 33 900 24 Urban cities 5 LARGE CENTERS 20 m² 10 m² 8 m² 20 m² 10 m² 8 m² 20 m² 10 m² 8 m² BRUSSELS ANTWERP GHENT CHARLEROI LIEGE TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FL AALST BRUGGE GENK HASSELT KORTRIJK LEUVEN MECHELEN OOSTENDE ROESELARE SINT NIKLAAS TURNHOUT TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FR ARLON LA LOUVIERE MONS NAMUR TOURNAI VERVIERS TOTAL WELL FITTED CITIES FL WELL FITTED CITIES FR OTHER CITIES TOTAL 81 44 19 53 51 248 8 4 7 6 16 12 11 1 11 11 4 91 4 10 18 12 14 5 63 35 20 97 554 61 18 8 1 15 103 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 2 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 11 0 0 128 81 9 11 2 4 107 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 2 0 118 62 34 17 40 48 201 8 0 9 5 11 8 5 1 6 7 4 64 4 8 8 4 8 9 41 37 17 24 384 43 17 3 1 4 68 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 71 92 10 20 4 3 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 1 145 54 26 8 48 43 179 7 3 6 5 8 3 7 2 5 7 6 59 2 10 11 7 5 9 44 6 6 15 309 6 97 1 94 51 16 9 0 12 88 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 60 8 15 4 1 88 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moving 400 Belgian Posters 20m² 14 Wednesday 48 hours 0 % 400 165 000 14 400 Inter city axes + Commercial poles 20 m² 16 2 1 2 5 26 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 0 2 2 0 11 0 2 8 0 5 2 17 40 16 290 400 20 m² 22 0 3 13 14 52 3 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 2 3 0 16 0 7 10 1 4 2 24 36 13 209 350 Contact 350 Belgian Posters 20m² 14 Wednesday 48 hours 0 % 350 133 000 14 800 Inter city axes For all line by line campaigns, consult us 12

Billboards BELGIAN POSTERS Grand Slam 850 Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Lighting Number of sites Price Taxes ± Coverage ANTWERP GHENT CHARLEROI LIEGE TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FL AALST BRUGGE GENK HASSELT KORTRIJK LEUVEN MECHELEN OOSTENDE ROESELARE SINT NIKLAAS TURNHOUT TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FR ARLON LA LOUVIERE MONS NAMUR TOURNAI VERVIERS TOTAL WELL FITTED CITIES FL WELL FITTED CITIES FR OTHER CITIES TOTAL 76 26 11 61 57 Belgian Posters 20m² & 10m² & 8m² 14 Wednesday 48 hours 29 % 850 (659 + 97 + 94) 373 000 48 700 ± National (Access + Contact) 51 16 9 0 231 10 3 6 5 12 7 7 2 7 10 6 75 2 17 21 8 9 11 68 42 19 224 659 12 88 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 6 97 60 8 15 4 1 88 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 94 70 28 9 Grand Slam 900 Belgian Posters 20m² & 10m² & 8m² 14 Wednesday 48 hours 27 % 900 (709 + 97 + 94) 394 000 48 300 ± National (Access + Moving) 50 48 205 7 3 7 5 9 4 11 2 7 9 6 70 2 12 19 7 10 11 61 46 22 305 709 51 16 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 6 97 60 8 12 88 15 4 1 88 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 94 84 34 20 53 62 Grand Slam 950 Belgian Posters 20m² & 10m² & 8m² 14 Wednesday 48 hours 28 % 950 (734 + 71 + 145) 446 000 52 800 ± National (Cover + Contact) 43 17 3 1 4 68 15 12 5 1 8 10 4 80 4 15 18 5 12 11 65 73 30 233 734 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 71 92 10 20 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 1 145 78 36 18 42 53 8 0 10 5 12 9 9 1 8 9 4 75 4 10 16 4 13 11 58 77 33 314 784 Grand Slam 1000 Belgian Posters 20m² & 10m² & 8m² 14 Wednesday 48 hours 26 % 1 000 (784 + 71 + 145) 467 000 52 400 ± National (Cover + Moving) 5 LARGE CENTERS 20 m² 10 m² 8 m² 20m² 10m² 8m² 20m² 10m² 8m² 20m² 10m² 8m² BRUSSELS 43 17 3 1 4 253 11 0 9 5 129 227 68 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 71 92 10 20 4 3 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 1 145 For all line by line campaigns, consult us 13

Street Furniture JCDECAUX JCD Booster (2 networks) Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Lighting Price national Price per face Taxes ± Coverage 5 LARGE CENTERS BRUSSELS ANTWERP GHENT CHARLEROI LIEGE TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FL AALST BRUGGE GENK HASSELT KORTRIJK LEUVEN MECHELEN OOSTENDE ROESELARE SINT NIKLAAS TURNHOUT TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FR ARLON LA LOUVIERE MONS NAMUR TOURNAI VERVIERS TOTAL WELL FITTED CITIES FL WELL FITTED CITIES FR OTHER CITIES TOTAL JCDecaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 2 725 yes 285 965 (index 100)* 105 13 353 National 846 237 0 118 313 1 514 48 82 91 57 43 0 96 44 44 51 30 586 5 0 16 96 49 31 197 246 28 154 2 725 No sector exclusivity between national and local networks No sector exclusivity for weeks 1-4 No sector exclusivity for mother day (week 18) + father day (week 23) No sector exclusivity for weeks 26-33 No sector exclusivity for weeks 48-52 14 JCD Authentic Lady (1 network) JCDecaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 2 425 yes 264 854 (index 100)* 109 11 883 National proximity POS lady 745 210 0 107 282 1 344 34 70 84 58 35 0 86 41 42 52 26 528 6 0 12 86 44 32 180 208 25 140 2 425 JCD Authentic Young (1 network) JCDecaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 2 425 yes 264 854 (index 100)* 109 11 883 National proximity POS young 744 209 0 111 278 1 342 33 74 75 55 42 0 82 37 37 49 28 512 6 0 15 86 45 29 181 231 27 132 2 425 656 184 0 88 257 1 185 33 65 73 51 37 0 71 32 34 41 24 461 3 0 12 73 43 27 158 179 21 121 2 125 Street 656 184 0 88 257 1 185 33 65 73 51 37 0 71 32 34 41 24 461 3 0 12 73 43 27 158 179 21 121 2 125 Metro 155 0 0 0 0 155 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 * Price Zones: indexes from 75 to 120 in function of periods ➞ consult us JCD Taste (1 network) JCDecaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 2 125 yes 233 666 (index 100)* 110 10 413 National JCD Taste + Digital Metro (1 network) JCDecaux 2m² (116 x 171) & 70'' 7 Tuesday 36 hours 2 280 yes 290 356 (index 100)* 127 10 924 National

Street Furniture Adshel Maximum XL (2 networks) NEW Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Lighting Price national Price per face Taxes ± Coverage 5 LARGE CENTERS BRUSSELS ANTWERP GHENT CHARLEROI LIEGE TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FL AALST BRUGGE GENK HASSELT KORTRIJK LEUVEN MECHELEN OOSTENDE ROESELARE SINT NIKLAAS TURNHOUT TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FR ARLON LA LOUVIERE MONS NAMUR TOURNAI VERVIERS TOTAL WELL FITTED CITIES FL WELL FITTED CITIES FR OTHER CITIES TOTAL Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 3 010 yes 303 000 101 14 225 ± National ADSHEL Adshel Optimum XL (2 networks) NEW Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 2 650 yes 280 000 106 12 520 ± National Adshel Maximum XXL (2 networks) Clear Channel NEW 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 3 200 yes 316 000 99 15 120 ± National Adshel BeSST XL (2 networks) Clear Channel NEW 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 3 230 (2 650 + 580) yes 326 000 101 12 520 ± National Adshel Optimum XL + Adshel Station 936 517 287 162 169 2 071 0 19 0 22 81 0 0 60 0 47 4 233 0 63 76 107 46 33 325 170 64 147 3 010 No sector exclusivity between national and local networks No sector exclusivity for weeks 1-4 No sector exclusivity for week 18 + week 23 No sector exclusivity for weeks 26-35 No sector exclusivity for weeks 48-52 15 813 462 283 135 149 1 842 0 16 0 11 61 0 0 57 0 39 3 187 0 57 63 91 41 33 285 136 60 140 2 650 994 556 306 173 176 2 205 0 19 0 23 84 0 0 65 0 53 4 248 0 70 79 113 49 37 348 178 71 150 3 200 Street 711 485 213 143 158 1 710 0 17 0 11 60 0 0 55 0 40 3 186 0 65 70 97 45 38 315 147 64 228 2 650 Station 217 53 32 24 14 340 8 21 0 7 13 18 14 7 0 3 0 91 1 12 6 36 8 3 66 33 9 41 580

Street Furniture FLEXIBLE SOLUTIONS JCD NEW Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Price per face Taxes ± Coverage Lighting Customized JCDecaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 600 2 940 Customised yes JCD Taste + Insert Smart Monty JCDecaux & Insert 2m² (116 x 171) & 60 x 80 7 Tuesday 36 hours 7 125 45 20 400 National yes JCD Taste + Insert Smarties JCDecaux & Insert 2m² (116 x 171) & 60 x 80 7 Tuesday 36 hours 4 625 62 15 406 National yes JCD Booster North + Brussels JCDecaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 2 054 136 10 065 North + Brussels yes FLEXIBLE SOLUTIONS JCD Booster South Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Price per face Taxes ± Coverage Lighting JCDecaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 671 91 540 (index 100)* 136 3 288 South yes JCD Authentic North + Brussels JCDecaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 1 821 258 552 (index 100)* 142 8 923 North + Brussels yes JCD Authentic South + Brussels JCDecaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 1 349 191 536 (index 100)* 142 6 610 South + Brussels yes FLEXIBLE SOLUTIONS JCD Taste North + Brussels Contractors Size (cm) Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Price per face Taxes ± Coverage Lighting JC Decaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 1 591 227 432 (index 100)* 143 7 796 North + Brussels yes JCD Taste South + Brussels JC Decaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 1 190 170 109 (index 100)* 143 5 831 South + Brussels yes JCD Taste North JC Decaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 935 133 657 (index 100)* 143 4 582 North yes JCD Taste South JC Decaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 534 76 335 (index 100)* 143 2 617 South yes JCD Authentic North JCDecaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 1 076 152 774 (index 100)* 142 5 272 North yes JCD Authentic South JCDecaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 604 85 758 (index 100)* 142 2 960 South yes JCD Booster South + Brussels JCDecaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 1 517 136 7 433 South + Brussels yes JCD Booster North JCDecaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 1 208 76 385 (index 100)* 321 666 (index 100)* 286 666 (index 100)* 280 215 (index 100)* 206 955 (index 100)* 164 800 (index 100)* 127 136 5 919 North yes * Price Zones: indexes from 75 to 120 in function of periods ➞ consult us Flexible POI solutions on demand, consult us 16

Street Furniture Adshel 5 MC XL Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Price per face Taxes ± Coverage Lighting Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 1 930 255 447 132 9 188 5 Large Centers yes Adshel Mix Media XL Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 2 200 248 600 113 10 420 ± National yes PEOPLE & PLACES Adshel+ Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 950 104 281 110 4 412 Completing JCD yes Be Proximity XL 500 Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 500 62 000 124 2 320 100% POI yes Be Proximity XL 750 Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 750 93 000 124 3 480 100% POI yes BeSST Proximity XL 500 Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 1 080 135 223 125 2 320 POI + Stations yes PEOPLE & PLACES Adshel Optimum Proximity XL 30% Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Price per face Taxes ± Coverage Lighting Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 2 650 294 579 111 12 296 30% POI yes Adshel Optimum Proximity XL 40% Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 2 650 299 439 113 12 296 40% POI yes Adshel Maximum Proximity XL 30% Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 3 010 334 598 111 13 966 30% POI yes My Optimum Proximity XL 20% Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 2 650 289 719 109 12 296 20% POI yes My Maximum Proximity XL 20% Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 3 010 329 077 109 13 966 20% POI yes 17

Street Furniture REGIONAL JCD Local Brussels Contractors Networks Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Price per face Taxes ± Coverage Lighting JCDecaux 1 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 300 37 521 (index 100)* 125 1 470 Brussels yes JCD Brussels Street & Digital Metro Contractors Networks Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Price per face Taxes ± Coverage Lighting JCDecaux 1 2m² (116 x 171) & 70'' 7 Tuesday 36 hours 455 94 211 (index 100)* 207 1 982 Brussels yes Contractors Networks Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Price per face Taxes ± Coverage Lighting Brussels 350 Clear Channel NEW 1 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 350 43 400 124 1 800 Brussels yes Adshel REGIONAL Adshel Brussels Premium Clear Channel NEW 1 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 150 21 900 146 900 Brussels yes JCD Brussels B2B JCDecaux 1 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 150 21 399 (index 100)* 143 735 Brussels yes REGIONAL JCD Local Liège JCDecaux 1 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 250 31 859 (index 100)* 127 1 225 Liège yes Brussels 8 JCDecaux 1 8m² 14 Tuesday (Wednesday from 12/04) 48 hours 50 37 958 (index 100)* 759 3 200 Brussels yes JCD Brussels Event JCDecaux 1 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 150 21 399 (index 100)* 143 735 Brussels yes JCD Brussels Places 2 Be JCDecaux 1 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 150 21 399 (index 100)* 143 735 Brussels yes Adshel Adshel Brussels Center Clear Channel NEW 1 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 200 27 000 135 1 200 Brussels yes Brussels 300 NEW Clear Channel 1 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 300 37 200 124 1 800 Brussels yes * Prize Zones : indexes from 75 to 120 in function of periods ➞ consult us 18

Street Furniture REGIONAL Contractors Networks Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Price per face Taxes ± Coverage Lighting Adshel Ghent Clear Channel 2 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 250 30 650 123 1 161 Ghent yes Adshel Antwerp Premium Clear Channel 1 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 150 21 900 146 697 Antwerp yes REGIONAL Contractors Networks Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Price per face Taxes ± Coverage Lighting Adshel Antwerp + Clear Channel 1 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 350 39 550 113 1 625 Antwerp yes Contractors Size (cm) Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of sites Price Taxes ± Coverage Full Monty JCDecaux Insert 1 60 x 80 7 Tuesday 24 hours 10 000 150 000 (index 100)* 19 975 National Adshel Antwerp Plug In NEW Clear Channel 1 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 300 33 851 113 1 393 Completing JCD yes INSERT Smart Monty JCDecaux Insert 2 60 x 80 7 Tuesday 24 hours 5 000 88 000 (index 100)* 9 988 National Smarties JCDecaux Insert 4 60 x 80 7 Tuesday 24 hours 2 500 53 000 (index 100)* 4 994 National Bonnie & Clyde JCDecaux Insert 1 60 x 160 7 Tuesday 24 hours 2 000 55 000 (index 100)* 7 000 National Adshel Golden Triangle Premium Clear Channel 1 2m² (112 x 152) 7 NEW Tuesday 36 hours 450 65 740 146 2 360 Antwerp + Ghent + Brussels yes Adshel Ghent & Antwerp Plug In Clear Channel 1 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 550 64 501 117 2 554 Completing JCD yes Adshel Antwerp Center Clear Channel 1 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 225 30 375 135 1 045 Antwerp yes Adshel Antwerp Clear Channel 1 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 270 33 480 124 1 254 Antwerp yes * Prize Zones : indexes from 75 to 120 in function of periods ➞ consult us 19

Point of Sales CARREFOUR Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Number of faces Price Taxes ± Coverage JCD Digital F1 Full network JCDecaux 72 inch 6 NEW Wednesday 100 58 000 490 60 POS JCD Digital F1 Hypermarkets NEW JCDecaux 72 inch 6 Wednesday 74 48 000 358 33 POS JCD Digital F1 Supermarkets NEW JCDecaux 72 inch 6 Wednesday 26 16 000 132 27 POS DELHAIZE F1/F2 2m² Delhaize (3 networks) Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Taxes ± Coverage Media Trader 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Thursday 24 hours 500 72 500 898 parking Delhaize & AD Delhaize JCD Conso F1/F2 NEW (1 network) JC Decaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 600 76 385 (index 100)* 2 940 near retailers F1/F2 BE Prox F1F2 - 800 NEW (1 network) Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Taxes ± Coverage Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 800 99 200 3 712 450 F1/F2 BE Prox F1F2 - 1 000 NEW (1 network) Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 1 000 124 000 4 640 560 F/1F2 BE Prox F1F2 - 1 500 NEW (1 network) Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 1 500 186 000 6 960 730 F1/F2 NEW BE Prox F1 (1 network) Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 500 62 000 2 320 204 F1 BE Prox F2 NEW (1 network) Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 550 68 200 2 552 286 F2 JCD Conso Delhaize NEW (1 network) JC Decaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 200 25 462 (index 100)* 980 near 77 Delhaize F1 JCD Conso Colruyt (1 network) NEW JC Decaux 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 225 28 645 (index 100)* 1 103 near 77 Colruyt F1 * Price Zones: indexes from 75 to 120 in function of periods ➞ consult us ** + 15 % during summer and regular holidays 20

Point of Sales F1/F2 BE Prox Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Taxes ± Coverage Carrefour Group (1 network) NEW Clear Channel 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Tuesday 36 hours 500 62 000 2 320 183 POS BE Prox Colruyt Group (1 network) 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Clear Channel NEW Tuesday 36 hours 200 24 800 928 95 POS Distri+ Carrefour Market Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Taxes Coverage AD Delhaize Delhaize Carrefour Hypermarket Carrefour Market (incl. Mestdagh) # Malls - - - 83 HighCo Shelf Service 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Wednesday 1 day 144 11 520 360 83 Malls # Faces - - - 144 # Malls 47 - - - HIGHCO SHELF SERVICE Distri+ AD Delhaize HighCo Shelf Service 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Thursday 1 day 101 8 080 253 47 Malls # Faces 101 - - - # Malls 217 147 45 438 BE Prox Delhaize Group (1 network) 2m² (112 x 152) 7 Clear Channel NEW Tuesday 36 hours 200 24 800 928 110 POS Vision Move Base: 40 % Vision Drive Base: 40% HighCo Shelf Service 2 sizes 21 Monday 1 week 37 165 99 950 - 837 Malls # Faces 6 437 8 415 10 462 11 851 Print included Split per chain possible # Malls - 147 45 - Print included Split per chain possible HighCo Shelf Service NEW2 sizes 21 Monday 1 week 15 902 39 990 - 192 Malls # Faces - 7 720 8 182 - 21

Indoor All Contractors Size (cm) Number of days Starts on Carried out Target Displays Postcards Price Coverage Guidooh 10,5 x 15 14 Tuesday 48 hours 15-34 years 1 205 125 000 16 095 National Contextual & tailor-made networks on demand Urban Guidooh Tuesday 48 hours 25-34 years 925 100 000 13 545 National THE CARDS - 1 BASKET Student Guidooh 10,5 x 15 14 10,5 x 15 14 Tuesday 48 hours 15-24 years 775 80 000 11 495 National Brussels + North Guidooh 10,5 x 15 14 Tuesday 48 hours 15-34 years 875 90 000 12 525 Brussels + North Horeca / Cinema / Sport centers / Shops / Campus & High School Brussels + South Guidooh 10,5 x 15 14 Tuesday 48 hours 15-34 years 685 70 000 9 945 Brussels + South Brussels Guidooh 10,5 x 15 14 Tuesday 48 hours 15-34 years 415 45 000 7 115 Brussels All Contractors Size (cm) - cards Size (cm) - banner Number of days Starts on Carried out Target Displays Postcards Price Coverage Guidooh 10,5 x 15 42,2 x 22 14 Tuesday 48 hours 15-34 years 1 205 125 000 24 945 National Contextual & tailor-made networks on demand All Contractors Size (cm) - cards Size (cm) - display Number of days Starts on Carried out Target Displays Postcards Price Coverage Guidooh 10,5 x 15 422 X 952 14 Tuesday 48 hours 15-34 years 1 205 500 000 48 285 National Contextual & tailor-made networks on demand THE CARDS - THE EXCLUSIVE Urban Guidooh 10,5 x 15 422 X 952 14 Tuesday 48 hours 25-34 years 925 400 000 40 635 National Urban Guidooh Tuesday 48 hours 25-34 years 925 100 000 20 995 National THE CARDS - BANNER Student Guidooh 10,5 x 15 42,2 x 22 14 10,5 x 15 42,2 x 22 14 Tuesday 48 hours 15-24 years 775 80 000 17 815 National Brussels + North Guidooh 10,5 x 15 42,2 x 22 14 Tuesday 48 hours 15-34 years 875 90 000 19 415 Brussels+North Horeca / Cinema / Sport centers / Shops / Campus & High School Brussels + South Guidooh 10,5 x 15 42,2 x 22 14 Tuesday 48 hours 15-34 years 685 70 000 15 415 Brussels+South Brussels Guidooh 10,5 x 15 42,2 x 22 14 Tuesday 48 hours 15-34 years 415 45 000 11 025 Brussels Student Guidooh Cinema Guidooh 10,5 x 15 422 X 952 14 Tuesday 48 hours 15-24 years 775 320 000 34 485 National Horeca / Cinema / Sport centers / Shops / Campus & High School 10,5 x 15 422 X 952 14 Tuesday 48 hours 15-34 years 130 90 000 20 295 National 22

Indoor FACE2FACE National (2 networks) Contractors Size (cm) Number of days Starts on Carried out Numbers of frames National National / Gents or Ladies Brussels + North Brussels + South Coverage * Only during summer H2O Contractors Size (cm) Number of days Starts on Carried out Numbers of frames National National / Gents or Ladies Brussels + North Brussels + South Coverage Oxygen (1 network) Guidooh 42 x 59,4 14 Thursday 48 hours 1 400 24 995 19 995 (700 frames) 18 745 (875 frames) 15 855 (740 frames) 250 locations Fitness & Wellness centers Tennis & Hockey centers INNO XChange (1 network) Contractors Size (cm) Number of days Starts on Carried out Numbers of frames National Coverage Guidooh 150 x 123 14 Wednesday 48 hours 290 19 465 16 Galeria Inno Alarm Covers Try Me (1 network) Pop Media NEW 29,7 x 42 14 Wednesday 36 hours 770 22 200 16 Galeria Inno Hydrogen (2 networks) Guidooh 80 x 120 14 Thursday 48 hours 90 10 925 - 8 405 (60 frames) 5 605 (40 frames) 90 locations Fitness & Wellness centers Tennis & Hockey centers Guidooh 29,7 x 42 14 Thursday 48 hours 2 350 58 725 37 835 (1 175 frames) 49 265 (1 725 frames) 32 135 (1 125 frames) 850 locations Horeca/Cinema Nightclubs/Concert halls Beach* (2 networks) Guidooh 29,7 x 42 14 Thursday 48 hours 300 22 045 - - - 200 locations Horeca @ seaborder 23

Indoor SCHOOLS, COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Guido Contractors Size (cm) Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Lighting Price Taxes ± Coverage 5 LARGE CENTERS BRUSSELS ANTWERP GHENT CHARLEROI LIEGE TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FL AALST BRUGGE GENK HASSELT KORTRIJK LEUVEN MECHELEN OOSTENDE ROESELARE SINT NIKLAAS TURNHOUT TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FR ARLON LA LOUVIERE MONS NAMUR TOURNAI VERVIERS TOTAL WELL FITTED CITIES FL WELL FITTED CITIES FR OTHER CITIES TOTAL (1 network) Guidooh 50 x 70 14 Monday 12 hours 720 no 23 995 - leisure and study places 130 80 110 0 60 380 20 0 0 40 35 95 20 0 0 0 0 210 0 0 50 40 0 0 90 0 0 40 720 School Poster (6 networks) Guidooh 84 x 119 14 Monday 12 hours 150 no 17 595 - 150 secundary schools nl 20 20 20 0 0 60 3 4 3 3 6 4 3 3 3 2 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 150 School Poster (3 networks) Guidooh 84 x 119 14 Monday 12 hours 250 no 24 990 - 150 secundary schools nl 27 32 26 0 0 85 6 7 4 6 11 8 5 5 8 4 0 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 250 School Poster (1 network) Guidooh 84 x 119 14 Monday 12 hours 500 no 42 350 - 150 secundary schools nl 40 68 50 0 0 158 12 12 6 9 19 16 10 10 18 6 0 118 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 224 500 Campus Poster (4 networks) Guidooh 84 x 119 14 Monday 12 hours 150 no 17 595 - 117 universities & colleges 25 18 22 1 15 81 3 8 0 10 6 0 6 2 2 3 1 41 0 1 5 6 1 1 14 0 5 9 150 Campus Poster (2 networks) Guidooh 84 x 119 14 Monday 12 hours 250 no 24 990 - 117 universities & colleges 45 25 44 2 22 138 8 15 0 18 10 0 10 4 5 5 2 77 0 1 7 8 2 2 20 0 6 9 250 Campus Poster (1 network) Guidooh 84 x 119 14 Monday 12 hours 500 no 42 350 - 117 universities & colleges 101 55 85 3 46 290 16 22 0 43 29 0 15 8 12 7 2 154 0 1 10 15 3 3 32 0 10 14 500 24

Indoor CINEMA CinePoster (3 networks) Contractors Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Lighting Price Taxes ± Coverage * Production included 5 LARGE CENTERS BRUSSELS ANTWERP GHENT CHARLEROI LIEGE TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FL AALST BRUGGE GENK HASSELT KORTRIJK LEUVEN MECHELEN OOSTENDE ROESELARE SINT NIKLAAS TURNHOUT TOTAL REGIONAL CITIES FR ARLON LA LOUVIERE MONS NAMUR TOURNAI VERVIERS TOTAL WELL FITTED CITIES FL WELL FITTED CITIES FR OTHER CITIES TOTAL Brightfish 2m² (116 x 171) 14 Tuesday 12 hours 237 yes 33 000 - 18 Cinema complexes CineStar Indoor Brightfish from 6m² to 26 m² 28 Wednesday 12 hours 12 yes 25 082* 12 Cinema complexes CineCube Brightfish 300 x 160 cm 14 Wednesday 12 hours 13 yes 41 000* 12 Cinema complexes 31 22 16 11 17 97 1 1 1 1 1 5 0 10 0 15 13 4 12 10 0 6 12 82 0 0 14 13 11 7 45 0 13 13 237 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 12 2 1 1 1 1 6 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 13 25

Digital OOH STATIONS STREET DNN Contractor Size Number of days Starts on Screens Duration spot Price Taxes Technical cost Coverage ANTWERP GHENT CHARLEROI LIEGE TOTAL BRUGGE GENK HASSELT KORTRIJK LEUVEN MECHELEN OOSTENDE ROESELARE SINT NIKLAAS TURNHOUT TOTAL LA LOUVIERE MONS NAMUR TOURNAI VERVIERS TOTAL WELL FITTED CITIES FL WELL FITTED CITIES FR OTHER CITIES TOTAL Clear Channel 70'' 7 days Tuesday 122 6 sec 57 023 - - 19 stations 5 LARGE CENTERS BRUSSELS 67 17 6 3 4 97 REGIONAL CITIES FL AALST 0 4 0 2 1 6 3 0 0 0 0 16 REGIONAL CITIES FR ARLON 0 0 1 3 1 0 5 0 0 4 122 DHST Clear Channel 70'' 28 days Tuesday 22 6 sec 32 640 - - 2 stations 18 4 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 DL Clear Channel 4 to 8m² 28 days Tuesday 5 6 sec 39 392/28 days 157 571/1 year - - 4 stations 2 2 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 I-conic NEW Clear Channel 140m² 7 days/28 days Tuesday 1 5, 10, 15 or 20 sec 16 500/7 days 55 000/28 days 36/250/1 000 - Pl de Brouckère 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 SUBWAYS JCD Digital Metro JCDecaux 70" 7 days Tuesday 155 6 sec 56 690 (index 100)* 512 500 16 subway stations 155 0 0 0 0 155 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 SHOPPING MALLS DOOH Media Shopping Network DOOH 55 à 126" 7 days Tuesday 144 6 sec 54 400 168 23 shopping malls 31 7 1 7 37 83 0 0 10 0 16 0 0 0 0 4 0 30 8 7 8 0 4 0 27 0 0 4 144 SEABORDER Knokke Digital Network Medialed 2m² 7 days Tuesday 16 6 sec 2 500** 128 120 Knokke 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 16 * Price Zones: indexes from 75 to 120 in function of periods ➞ consult us ** + 15 % during summer and regular holidays 26

Transit BUS & TRAM Full Rear Window Contractors Size (cm) Number of days Starts on Unit Price Lijncom/Metrabus/ JCDecaux 78 x 190 14 or 28 Tuesday Lijncom & Metrabus 175 or 350 JCDecaux 195 or 390 4,5 m Side European Contractors Size (cm) Number of days Starts on Number of vehicles Unit Price Price Coverage Full Wrap Contractors Size (cm) Number of months Carried out Price Number of vehicles Lijncom/Metrabus/JCDecaux 35 or 50 m2 1 to 12 Immediate See details below 1 1 month Brussels (JCDecaux) 4 900 Brussels (Lijncom) Antwerp Brugge Ghent Charleroi Liège Other cities FR Other cities NL Tram 2000 : Tram 3000 : Tram 4000 : 4 700 4 700 4 700 4 700 4 480 4 480 4 480 4 700 - - - Bus Simple Tram Simple Tram Art 6 300 - - 4 900 - 4 900 - - - - - - - - 9 700 - 9 700 - - - - 8 200 12 300 16 000 Bus Art 6 400 6 000 6 000 - 6 000 5 870 5 870 5 870 6 000 - - - Tram sea border (Lijncom) 35 000 (6 months) - 39 850 (12 months) + 2.575€ (technical cost) + 80,50€ taxes + 12 088€ production quadri 1 visual Art : Articulated 9 400 9 400 9 400 9 400 8 960 8 960 8 960 9 400 - - - 27 - - Unit prices 2 months Bus Simple Tram Simple Tram Art 9 800 12 600 - 9 800 - 9 800 - - - - - - - 19 400 - 19 400 - - - - 16 400 24 600 32 000 Bus Art 12 800 12 000 12 000 - 12 000 11 740 11 740 11 740 12 000 - - - 14 100 14 100 14 100 14 100 13 440 13 440 13 440 14 100 - - - - - 3 months Bus Simple Tram Simple Tram Art 14 700 18 900 - 14 700 - 14 700 - - - - - - - 29 000 - 29 000 - - - - 24 600 36 900 48 000 Bus Art 19 200 18 000 18 000 - 18 000 17 610 17 610 17 610 18 000 - - - Lijncom 450 x 65 14 or 28 Tuesday - 175 or 350 - Full Back Lijncom/Metrabus/ JCDecaux 220 x 180 14 or 28 Tuesday Lijncom & Metrabus 345 or 510 JCDecaux 370 or 550 7,20 m Side European Lijncom/Metrabus 720 x 65 14 or 28 Tuesday - 335 or 495 - Superside 10 m² Lijncom/Metrabus/ JCDecaux 340 x 275 14 or 28 Tuesday LijnCom 590 or 860 Metrabus 590 or 870 JCDecaux 610 or 900 Side Freestyle Lijncom/Metrabus/ JCDecaux 4m² découpe 14 or 28 Tuesday - LijnCom & Metrabus 360 or 540 JCDecaux 365 or 550 Lijncom Tuesday 125 - 3 125 Antwerp Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday 100 28 55 - 1 375 Ghent Megaside 28m² seaborder (tram) Lijncom 790 x 370 1 or 2 Tuesday 2 650 or 4 550 1 22 2 200 Charleroi 200 22 4 400 Liège Superflank 4 m² Lijncom/Metrabus/ JCDecaux 139 x 240 14 or 28 Tuesday Metrabus JCDecaux 360 or 540 2 m² Windowside bus Lijncom/Metrabus 118,5 x 175 14 or 28 Tuesday LijnCom 140 or 280 Metrabus 145 or 290 Inner rooftop banner Metrabus 28 28 JCDecaux 23 x 125 24 x 125 20 x 120 20 x 120 21 x 120 28 28 Tuesday 850 23 19 000 Brussels Flank 3 m Side European Lijncom/Metrabus/ JCDecaux 300 x 65 14 or 28 Tuesday 145 or 290 Wobbler Lijncom 17,5 x 18,5 28 Tuesday - 160/6 pieces - Windowside 2 m² or 4 m² seaborder (tram) Lijncom 118,5 x 175 or 242 x 165 2 Tuesday 20 900 or 10 450 10 or 5

Transit STATIONS PUBLIFER (CLEAR CHANNEL) Networks 2m² National Network 2m² National Line By Line 1m² Vertical Cubes Holocube New Videocube (LCD screens) Video Wall (LCD screens) Main Entrance - Horta Wall Full Wrapped Window- Horta Main Entrance Lightbox - Wall Tour du Midi Lightbox - Wall Rue de France Scrolling 5 m² Dazibaos Thalys zone - 4 Center Columns Thalys zone - 8 Columns Thalys zone - Large Format Lightbox Thalys zone - Lighted Frames Thalys zone - Full Wrapped Escalators Eurostar - Full Wrapped Walls Eurostar - Large Format Lightbox Eurostar - Lightbox Waiting Zone Eurostar - Gourmet Corner - Full Wrapped Columns Eurostar - Center Wall Ticket Office Central Hall - 3 m x 4 m Banner Large Format Lightbox Main Hall 24 Visuals On Windows Atrium - Full Wrapped Escalators Atrium - Handrails escalators Sites 580 line by line line by line line by line line by line line by line line by line line by line line by line line by line line by line 10 line by line 4 8 line by line 6 4 2 line by line line by line 3 line by line line by line line by line 24 2 Main Entrances - 4 Super Size Frames 4 Atrium - Elevator Walls 2 2 2 Duration 7 days 14 days 28 days 2 weeks 1 week 2 weeks 2 weeks 3 months 3 weeks 1 year 1 year 1 year 28 days 3 weeks 3 weeks 1 year 1 year 3 weeks 3 weeks 1 year 1 year 3 weeks 3 weeks 3 weeks 1 year 3 weeks 1 year 3 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks Price 73 223 278 > 598 65/unit (60 IC stations) 56/unit (52 IR stations) 48/side (86 local stations) 8 780 (high density stations) or 6 600 (other stations) Production: 2 246 standard cube - 2 266 videocube - 4 857 window cube - boobox 6 566 6 145 (high density stations) or 4 620 (other stations) Production: 5 974 11 675 (high density stations) or 8 780 (other stations) Production: 10 610 14 575 (high density stations) or 10 955 (other stations) Production: 13 150 32 250 + 4 350 (prod) 19 390 + 8 127 (prod) 59 550 + 1 933 (prod) 37 810 + 1 373 (prod) 113 800 + 5 492 (prod) 810/piece + 205/piece (prod) 15 455 + 10 549 (prod) 19 575 + 9 555 (prod) 65 730 + 1 933 (prod) 98 210 + 1 373 (prod) 44 300 + 37 689 (prod) 13 805 + 8 568 (prod) 62 845 + 1 933 (prod) 46 770 + 1 362 (prod) 7 730 + 7 580 (prod) 7 730 + 1 698 (prod) 6 700 + 1 373 (prod) 55 630 + 2 174 (prod) 25 000 + 12 769 (prod) 66 860 + 3 513 (prod) 13 400 + 2 312 (prod) 35 030 + 11 286 (prod) 17 425 + 13 683 (prod) Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels South Station Brussels Central Station Brussels Luxembourg Station Brussels Luxembourg Station Antwerp Central Station Antwerp Central Station Antwerp Central Station Antwerp Central Station Coverage 44 rail stations 44 rail stations Available in 198 rail stations 28

Transit Connector Digi Trio- 5 sec Digi Trio- 10 sec Digifull- 10 sec Shop & Fly Gateway Arrival Lift Wrap Arrival Traveling Tunnel Connector Arrival 1 Connector Arrival 2 Connector Panorama Duty Free Access Security Domination Security Lightbox Topaze Arrival Networks Total Contact Contact Departure Contact Arrival VIP Boarding Schengen Boarding International Large Format Digital Wall - 5sec Digital Wall - 10sec Cheminey Diamond Golden Wings Take Off Highway 4 Highway 8 Vertical Giant Exposition Giant Check-in Impact Departures Impact Departures Conector Departures Connector Entrance VIP Light Box Down VIP Light Box up Stop & go Impact Arrivals Stop & Go 1 Stop & Go 2 Horizon Domination VIP Light Box Impact Arrivals Luggage Belt Package Welcome Lightbox Size (cm) 980 x 140 980 x 140 - 600 x 200 300 x 500 650 x 850 1 140 x 160 660 x 390 620 x 280 700 x 210 600 x 310 900 x 450 750 x 160 600 x 250 2m² (116 x 171) 2m² (116 x 171) 2m² (116 x 171) 2m² (116 x 171) (80 x 120) (80 x 120) 1m2 1m2 615 x 175 615 x 175 900 x 1 440 880 x 1 050 1 266 x 645 790 x 955 1 200 x 300 1 200 x 300 500 x 750 3 500 x 1 100 1 400 x 320 600 x 360 600 x 360 700 x 335 450 x 220 Domination Departure & Arrivals 600 x 265 Giant Wall Wraps Mega Posters 1 800 x 300 600 x 300 360 x 120 300 x 120 450 x 220 550 x 220 580 x 200 450 x 200 840 x 200 360 x 120 360 x 120 600 x 220 Package 12 Arrival Tunnel 135 x 157 Panorama Arrival 800 x 180 300 x 120 650 x 1 75 # Faces 3 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70 50 20 17 38 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 12 1 6 1 BRUSSELS AIRPORT Price/Year 120 000 192 000 256 000 145 000 170 000 150 000 152 000 140 000 140 000 145 000 170 000 180 000 130 000 170 000 - - - - - - 96 000 160 000 200 000 190 000 200 000 160 000 160 000 160 000 150 000 192 000 185 000 150 000 220 000 165 000 120 000 145 000 260 000 180 000 80 000 70 000 155 000 120 000 125 000 115 000 125 000 85 000 65 000 110 000 115 000 192 000 150 000 180 000 29 Price/Month 15 000 24 000 32 000 18 125 21 250 18 750 19 000 17 500 17 500 18 125 21 250 22 500 16 250 21 250 52 000 44 000 23 000 26 000 22 680 17 000 12 000 20 000 25 000 23 750 25 000 20 000 20 000 20 000 18 750 24 000 23 125 18 750 27 500 20 625 15 000 18 125 32 500 22 500 10 000 8 750 19 375 15 000 15 625 14 375 15 625 10 625 8 125 13 750 14 375 24 000 18 750 22 500 Coverage Connector - departures Connector - departures Connector - departures - check-in Connector - departures Connector - departures Connector - departures Connector - departures Connector - departures Connector - departures Connector - departures Connector - departures Connector - departures Connector - departures Connector - departures Departures + arrivals Departure zones Arrival zones Business lounges Pier A (Schengen zone) Pier B (Non Schengen zone) Check-in - departures Check-in - departures Exterior - departures Exterior - departures Exterior - departures Exterior - departures Exterior - departures Exterior - arrivals Exterior - departures Exterior - arrivals Check-in - departures Check-in - departures Check-in - departures Pier A - departures Pier A - departures Pier A - departures & arrivals Pier A - departures & arrivals Pier A - departures & arrivals Pier A - departures & arrivals Pier A - departures Pier A - departures Pier A - arrivals Pier B - departures Pier B - departures Pier B - departures Pier B - departures Pier B - departures Pier B - arrivals Pier B - arrivals Luggage reclaim - arrivals Luggage reclaim - arrivals Luggage reclaim - arrivals

Transit Innovate & Ambient Door Stickers Departure Sticker Trolleys Full Trolleys Half Luggage Belt Stickers Podium 1 Podium 2 Podium 3 Podium 4 Column Wrap Large Format Check-in Wrap Security Package International Departures Schengen Departure Package Schengen Arrival Package International Arrival Package Control Passport Package Luggage Belt Landscape Exit Landscape Arrival Domination Domination Departures Mega Posters Public Hall Domination Security Domination Exterior Towers Arrival Exterior Towers Departures Networks Departure Network Arrival Network Static Back Illuminated Sides Boarding Network Specials Arrival Wall Wrap Door Sticker Luggage Belt Stickers Pudium Public Hall Digital Digi Duo - 5sec Digi Duo - 10sec 333 x 243 333 x 243 2 2 72 000 132 000 6 000 11 000 Departures Departures 800 x 600 tbc tbc 600 x 350 1 1 3 1 72 000 50 000 56 000 130 000 9 000 10 625 7 000 16 250 Arrivals Departures & Arrivals Arrivals Departures & Arrivals Size (cm) tbc 700 x 70 52 x 35 53 x 35 tbc 600 x 300 600 x 300 600 x 300 600 x 300 tbc Size (cm) 400 x 100 450 x 180 450 x 180 240 x 120 360 x 120 360 x 120 360 x 120 240 x 120 450 x 180 800 x 600 800 x 400 400 x 200 600 x 300 500 x 250 3 500 x 3 600 3 500 x 3 600 2m² 2m² 2m² 2m² BRUSSELS AIRPORT Price/Year # Faces 3 13 2500 1250 28 1 1 1 1 10 # Faces 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 10 1 1 2 2 15 15 30 10 120 000 120 000 110 000 55 000 120 000 300 000 270 000 240 000 210 000 130 000 CHARLEROI AIRPORT Price/Year 36 000 80 000 34 000 24 000 32 000 18 000 17 500 82 000 60 000 85 000 90 000 130 000 75 000 55 000 65 000 65 000 - - - - Price/Month 15 000 15 000 13 750 6 875 15 000 37 500 33 750 30 000 26 250 16 250 Price/Month 4 500 10 000 4 250 3 000 4 000 2 250 2 188 10 250 7 500 10 625 11 250 16 250 9 375 6 875 8 125 8 125 15 000 11 000 21 000 10 000 Coverage Check-in - departures Pier B - departures Departures & arrivals Departures & arrivals Luggage reclaim area - full arrivals Pier A - departures & arrivals Pier A - departures & arrivals Pier A - departures & arrivals Pier A - departures & arrivals Luggage reclaim area - arrivals Coverage Departures Departures - Security check Passport control NS Schengen Departures Boarding Lounges S Schengen Arrivals International Arrivals Arrival Control Passport - NS Luggage reclaim - arrivals Luggage reclaim - arrivals Arrivals Departures Departures & Arrivals Departures & Arrivals Departures-Security Arrivals-Exterior Departures-Exterior Departures Arrivals Departures & Arrivals Boarding Lounges 30

Transit Networks Full Belgium Belgium Departure Belgium Arrivals Size (cm) 2m² 2m² 2m² BRUSSELS + CHARLEROI AIRPORT Price/Year # Faces 100 65 35 - - - Price/Month 63 000 49 000 27 000 Coverage Brussels + Charleroi Departures & Arrivals Brussels + Charleroi Depatures Brussels + Charleroi Arrivals BOOMERANG - FACE2FACE.AERO National Brussels Airport + Brussels South (2 Networks) Contractors Size (cm) Number of days Starts on Carried out Numbers of frames I Price (access fee included) II III Price rate I : from 04/01 till 27/03 & 07/11-01/01/17 Price rate II : from 28/03 till 19/06 & 12/09-06/11 Price rate III : from 20/06 till 11/09 Guidooh 29,7 x 42 14 Monday 48 hours 500 16 695 21 495 25 785 Guidooh 29,7 x 42 14 Monday 48 hours 400 14 425 19 845 23 065 Brussels Airport (2 Networks) Brussels South Charleroi Airport (2 Networks) Guidooh 29,7 x 42 14 Monday 48 hours 100 4 755 6 925 8 445 31

Brussels Expo MEDIAEXPO Networks PORTRAIT Giant Cubes Posters On The Halls Posters On The Halls (stickering) Advertising Cubes Network 4m² Satellite Network Banners 3m² 2m² Excellence Network 2m² Recurrence Network LANDSCAPE Outdoor Posters 34m² Outdoor Posters 13m² Indoor Posters 9m² XXL Lightboxes FIRST CLASS Gigantic Entrance 60m² Gigantic Exit 3D Premium Location First Class Monumental Indoor 250m² Ceiling at the Entrance 100m² Indoor Neon Posters 10m² AMBIENT & INTERACTIVITY Frames in Toilets Postcards (big network) Postcards (regular network) 46" Led Screens Backlight Panels 3D Locations Car Park Shuttles Sampling Interactive Stickers Maximal offer available for Auto Exhibition (others exhibitions : contact us) 440 frames 3 big networks 7 regular networks 6 screens on demand 26 locations 6 shuttles maximum 5 persons 7 locations 55 590/440 frames 25 500/25 displays 12 240/10 displays 12 240/6 screens 15 sec 4 728/panel 10 200/location, structure not included 6 304 fee/ vehicle, car not included 24 276 fee, people not included 6 477/location 50m², prod. Not inculded 2 gigantic entrances 1 location 3 locations 11 locations 1 location 4 neons (double sided) 19 380/unit 19 380/unit 10 200/location, structure not included 117/m² 22 287 for the 4 sides of 25m² 3 876/side 9 sides (double sided) 31 sides (double sided) 31 sides (double sided) 4 units 5 029/side 1 938/side 2 326/side 5 845/box 8 giant cubes 13 3 8 advertising cubes 11 panels (single sided) 200 23 panels (double sided) 184 sides - spread over 6 areas 16 728/unit 326/m² 173/m² 4 457/unit 1 051/unit 337/banner (cultural) 648/side 281/side Media Units Available Price Carshow (production & taxes excluded) 32

Mobile T5 Contractors Size Number of faces Units Lighting Unit price 1day Medialed 5m² 1 Led screen 15 yes 1 050 T5 Mobile Contractors Size Number of faces Units Lighting Unit price 1day Medialed 5m² 1 Led screen 4 yes 1 250 MEDIALED T6 Medialed 6m² 1 Led screen 15 yes 1 250 MEDIALED T5 Double Mobile Medialed 2 x 5m² 2 Led screens 1 yes 1 250 TRILEDGY TriLED10 NEW NEW Contractors Size Number of faces Units Lighting Unit price 1day Triledgy 10m² 1 Led screen 15 yes 1 250* Triledgy 15m² 1 Led screen 15 yes 1 400* MEDIAFIELD Skyboard The Wall NEW NEW Triledgy 6m² 1 Led screen 5 yes 1 100* Triledgy 2m² 1 Led screen 4 yes 795* TriLED15 SingleLED6HR CityLED LED Modular Medialed tbc 1 Led screen 500 yes 200/m² Giant LED Medialed from 17 to 100m² 1 Led screen 10 yes on demand T11 Medialed 11m² 1 Led screen 4 yes 2 000 T15 Medialed 15m² 1 Led screen 5 yes 2 500 Contractors Size Number of faces Lighting 1day Production Taxes *driver included **driver and transport not included 33 Mediafield 2 x 180m² 2 yes 6 805 9 140 300/day Mediafield 2 x 60 m² 2 yes 2 814 2 814 150/day

Mobile EUROMOBILE Euroled Mobile 8m² Euroled 8m² Fixe Cable Contractors Size Number of faces Units Lighting Unit price 8h* Unit price 10h* Unit price 12h* Euromobile Media 10 yes 998 1 250 1 495 Panoramic 16m² Contractors Size Number of faces Units Lighting Unit price 8h* Unit price 10h* Unit price 12h* Euromobile Media 16m² 2 30 yes 785 875 975 Euromobile Media Led screen 8m² + Bâche Led screen 8m² + Bâche 2 2 10 yes 498 - - Podium 3D Led Euromobile Media 3D - 10 - 998 1 245 1 495 EUROMOBILE Panoramic Light Euromobile Media 8m² 2 30 yes 785 875 975 Show Room Mobile Euromobile Media 3D - 9 yes 950 1 095 1 241 EUROMOBILE Eurosampler Contractors Size Number of faces Units Lighting Unit price 8h** Unit price 10h** Unit price 12h** *driver included ** driver or hostess/promoboy not included Driver: unit price 8h: 250 - unit price 10h : 300 - unit price 12h: 350 Hostess/promoboy: unit price 8h: 265 - unit price 10h: 320 - unit price 12h: 400 Euromobile Field 16m² 2 30 yes 600 620 670 Europalette Euromobile Field 12m² 2 20 - 515 550 590 Animation Podium Euromobile Field 20m² 2 3 - 600 620 670 Carried out = immediate Extra charges: less than 2 consecutive days = + 15 % Sundays and official holidays = + 15 % Other Extra charges = on demand GPRS: 35€/vehicle Showroom Euromobile Field 3D - 9 yes 770 865 960 Gumba Euromobile Field 6m² - 5 - 250 270 300 Podium 3D Euromobile Media 3D - 30 - 790 875 975 Eurowall Euromobile Media 48m² 2 1 yes from 2 150 (1 day) to 5 865 (1 week) Concave Euromobile Media 20m² 2 60 yes 730 815 910 Eurocube 4 Faces Euromobile Media 16m² 4 10 - 745 815 945 34

Mobile Eurobike Contractors Size Number of faces Units Lighting Unit price 8h** Unit price 10h** Euromobile Field 2m² 2 15 - 335 - EUROMOBILE Eurospeed Euromobile Field 2m² 1 10 - 260 - Euroskin & Display Euromobile Field 3D - 20 - 140 - Mobile Indoor Euromobile Field 2m² 1 30 - 140 - SPICYMOTION Spicymobile Positionning Spicyled Contractors Size Number of faces Units Lighting Unit price 8h* Unit price 10h* *driver included SPICYMOTION Spicysky Contractors Size Number of faces Units Lighting Unit price 8h* Unit price 10h* *driver included ** driver or hostess/promoboy not included Driver: unit price 8h: 250 - unit price 10h: 300 - unit price 12h: 350 hostess/promoboy: unit price 8h: 265 - and Euroskin 8h: 320 Carried out = immediate Extra charges: less than 2 consecutive days = + 15 % Sundays and official holidays = + 15 % Other Extra charges = on demand GPRS: 35€/vehicle Spicymotion 6 x 4m² 2 1 yes 905 990 Spicygumba Spicymotion Gumba - 5 - 555 610 Spicybike Spicymotion 2m² 2 10 No 455 505 Spicyway Spicymotion Segway - 3 No 400 452 No 495 545 Spicy Pick-Up Spicymotion Pick-Up 2 Spicy TV-Bike Spicymotion TV-Bike 2 3 No 455 505 Spicymotion 20m² 2 15 yes 685 770 Spicymotion 6m² + son 1 Led + 1 poster 5 yes 975 1 060 Circulating Spicyled Spicymotion 3*2m² 3 Location yes 1 020 1 115 Spicy 3D Spicy Pop Up Store Spicymotion 3D + son - 15 yes 655 740 Spicymotion Showroom - 3 yes 730 810 Spicytaster Spicymotion Showroom - 3 - 830 915 35

Luxembourg JCDecaux Booster Premium Contractors Networks Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Price per face per day Taxes ± Coverage Lighting JCDecaux 3 Tuesday 24 hours 145 25 250 174 - Lux. City yes Publilux Contractors Networks Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Price per face per day Taxes ± Coverage Lighting Lux. Blue or Red Publi.lux 2 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 24 hours 184 17 036 93 - Luxembourg 74% Vinci Contractors Networks Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Price per face per day Taxes ± Coverage Lighting Publi.lux 1 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 24 hours 81 9 639 119 - Lux. City yes JCDecaux Booster JCDecaux 3 7 Tuesday 24 hours 145 23 700 163 - Lux. City yes STREET FURNITURE JCDecaux Twister JCDecaux - 7+7 - 24 hours 95+50 25 700 177 - Lux. City yes Publilux Lux. Sud Publi.lux 1 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 24 hours 110 10 890 99 - Sud 74% JCDecaux Urban 3 JCDecaux 2 7 Tuesday 24 hours 95 17 500 184 - Lux. City yes STREET FURNITURE Publilux Cactus Publi.lux 1 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 24 hours 200 15 800 79 - Retail Cactus 74% PARKINGS Parko.lux Publi.lux 1 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 24 hours 96 11 424 119 - Lux. City yes JCDecaux Selecto Access JCDecaux 2 7 Tuesday 24 hours 50 9 590 192 - Lux. City yes Publilux Lux. City Publi.lux 1 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 24 hours 80 9 520 119 - Lux. City 74% JCDecaux Selecto Centre JCDecaux 2 7 Tuesday 24 hours 50 9 590 192 - Lux. City yes JCDecaux Selecto Arlon JCDecaux 2 2m² (116 x 171) 2m² (116 x 171) 2m² (116 x 171) 2m² (116 x 171) 2m² (116 x 171) 2m² (116 x 171) 2m² (116 x 171) 7 7 Tuesday 24 hours 50/100 8 000 / 13 200 160/132 - Arlon yes Publilux Lux. + Publi.lux 1 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Tuesday 24 hours 264 23 900 91 - Luxembourg 74% 36

Luxembourg CINEMA Utopolis 2m2 Contractors Networks Size Number of days Starts on Carried out Number of faces Price Price per face Taxes ± Coverage Lighting * production included WRAPS Rives de Clausen Wrapped Bridge Contractors Number of sites Size Number of days Price IP Lux 1 4 000 x 110 7 - 28 1 200 - 4 000 Gare IP Lux 1 200 x 200 7 2 000 Utopolis Kirchberg IP Lux 1 200 x 200 7 1 260 DIGITAL Contractor Context Coverage Locations Screens Size Duration Spot Duration campaign Price Ipvision Belval IP Lux Leisure Esch S/Alzette CinéBelval 14 from 32'' to 42'' 10 or 30 sec 7 days 105/10 sec 210/30 sec min invest : 305 Ipvision Sud IP Lux Leisure Ariston, Kinosch Kursaal, Waasserhaus 90 from 32'' to 42'' 10 or 30 sec 7 days 50/10 sec 100/30 sec min invest : 305 Ipvision/Rives de Clausen IP Lux Leisure Lux City Rives de Clausen 2 133'' & 199'' 10 or 30 sec 7 days 305/10 sec 610/30 sec Ipvision/Luxair IP Lux Leisure Lux Air Tour 4 planes 68 10,4'' 10 or 30 sec 7 days 305/10 sec 610/30 sec Ipvision Kirchberg IP Lux Leisure Kirchberg Utopolis 2 1,37 x 4,86 m 10 or 30 sec 7 days 600/10 sec 1 200/30 sec CUBES Utopolis Belval IP Lux 1 200 x 200 7 800 Belval Plaza IP Lux 1 200 x 200 7 900 Rives de Clausen IP Lux 1 200 x 200 7 1 260 IP Lux 2 2m² (116 x 171) 7 Monday 24 hours 19 1 515 80 - Utopolis Kirchberg yes Utopolis Bâche 6m2 IP Lux 1 Banner First floor 6m² (490 x 120) 30 1ste of the month 24 hours 1 2 200* 2 200 - Utopolis Kirchberg yes Utopolis Bâche 12m2 IP Lux 1 Banner Ground floor 12m² (490 x 248) 30 1ste of the month 24 hours 1 2 600* 2 600 - Utopolis Kirchberg yes Utopolis Bâche 12m2 IP Lux 1 Banner 1st Floor 12m² (490 x 248) 30 1ste of the month 24 hours 1 2 200* 2 200 - Utopolis Kirchberg yes Catwalk Utopolis IP Lux 1 1,8 x 1,5m (5) + 1,6 x 1,33m (1) 14 1ste of the month 24 hours 12 5 600* 467 - Utopolis Kirchberg yes 37

Luxembourg AIRPORT Size (cm) Digital 70'' Digital Network - 10sec 70'' Digital Network Arrivals - 10sec 70'' Digital Network Schengen & Non Schengen Departures- 10sec 87 x 155 87 x 155 70'' Digital Network Non Schengen Departures- 10sec 87 x 155 87 x 155 70'' Digital Network Schengen Departures- 10sec Giant Screen Wall - 5sec Dominate Jetbridge Exterior/Interior Suspended Banners Trolleys Impact Branding Wall Luggage Facade Stickers Giant Luggage Belt Lightbox Giant Luggage Left Giant Luggage Right Giant Luggage Wrap Horizon Wall Left Horizon Wall Right Impact Security Left Impact Security Right Parking Tunnels Relax Schengen Left Smart Bar Left Smart Bar Right Star Lift Wall Traveler Welcome Bannister Welcome Domination 1 740 x 206/ 230 x 250 400 x 200 52 x 35 48m² 1 680 x 630 600 x 190 844 x 303 856 x 303 1 311 x 198 1 480 x 320 1 480 x 320 684 x 303 684 x 303 56m² x 2 + 3m² x 2 + 8,75m² 389 x 252 233 x 303 233 x 303 350 x 1 000 1 200 x 315 2 150 x 290w 86m² 5/4 4 310 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 3 1 3 7 1 year 6 months 1 year 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 1 year 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 156 250 43 300 65 000 45 000 61 875 41 250 37 500 37 500 27 500 48 125 48 125 44 685 44 685 79 500 31 000 27 500 27 500 61 875 27 500 35 000 55 000 Entrance and exit Jetbridge Departure & Check-in Public Hall Departures & Arrivals Arrivals Terminal Main Entrance Arrivals Arrivals Arrivals Arrivals Security Check Security Check Security Check & Vip Access Security Check & Vip Access Parking Schengen Lounge Departures Schengen Departures Schengen Departures Arrivals Departures Arrivals Schengen 87 x 155 360 x 250 27 7 14 20 14 1 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 33 750 8 750 17 500 25 000 17 500 15 000 Departures & Arrivals Arrivals Departures Non Schengen Departures Departures Schengen Schengen Security Check - VIP Areas # Faces Duration Price Coverage 38

Luxembourg AIRPORT Size (cm) Target Meeters and Greeters Duo Contact Entrance Duo Non Schengen Arrivals Duo Passport In & Out Duo tarmac Arrivals Non Schengen Passport Arrivals Lightbox Schopping Columns Square Lift shopping VIP Premium Lightbox Specials Departures Exhibition Area Creative Belt Arrivals Exhibition Area Lounge Express Waiting Bench 300 x 1 000 51m² 300 x 1 000 Tbc 410 x 280 1 1 1 2 2 Back Banner Full Back Simple Contractors Size Number of days Price/vehicle Production ± / vehicle Technical cost/vehicle IP Lux 190 x 50 28 205 300 - IP Lux/Publi. Lux 220 x 220 28 545/520 600 120 Side Poster Contractors Size Number of days Price/vehicle Production ± / vehicle Technical cost/vehicle Publi. Lux 6 m 28 750 tbc tbc IP Lux 12 m 28 1 770 6 890 470 Left IP Lux 350 400 - TRANSIT Flanc Right 300 x 65 250 x 65 28 IP Lux 28 260 350 - 1 year 6 months 1 month 1 year 6 months 133 000 27 500 5 500 89 375 37 500 Departures Luggage Reclaim Hall Left Arrival Schengen Security Check Exterior Terminal Entrances 37m² 120 x 180 240 x 120 120 x 180 240 x 120 120 x 180 200 x 260 236 x 318 303 x 303 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 6 months 1 year 49 500 30 250 57 750 46 200 55 000 24 200 27 500 24 000 41 250 Arrivals Departures Arrivals Non Schengen Departures & ArrivalsNon Schengen Arrivals Arrivals Non Schengen Departures Departures Schengen Security Check/VIP # Faces Duration Price Coverage Side Poster Double Side Poster Out Of Box Right IP Lux 2m² 28 360 450 60 Left IP Lux 4m² 28 720 600 120 All Over Vehicles IP Lux 15 m 28 2 015 8 612 470 IP Lux 18 m 28 2 265 10 335 470 IP Lux on demand 28 30 / m² 180 / m² 10 / m² 39

Luxembourg MOBILE Euroled Mobile 8 m² Euroled 8 m² Fixe Cable Concave Eurocube 4 Faces Contractors Size Number of faces Units Lighting Unit price 8h* Unit price 10h* Unit price 12h* Euromobile Media Led screen + Bâche 1 10 yes 1 139 1 408 1 678 Panoramic 16 m² Contractors Size Number of faces Units Lighting Unit price 8h* Unit price 10h* Unit price 12h* Euromobile Media 16m² 2 30 yes 897 990 1 034 only static MOBILE Eurofreezer Contractors Size Number of faces Units Lighting Unit price 8h** Unit price 10h** Unit price 12h** * driver included ** driver or hostess/promoboy not included Carried out = immediate Taxes = according to the cities Euromobile Field Euromobile Field 6m² 2 10 yes 720 737 792 Eurosampler Euromobile Field Euromobile Field 16m² 2 30 yes 720 737 792 Europalette Euromobile Field Euromobile Field 12m² 2 20 - 622 666 704 Euromobile Media Led screen + Bâche 1 10 yes 589 - - MOBILE Panoramic Light Show Room Mobile Euromobile Media 8m² 2 30 yes 897 990 1 034 Euromobile Media 3D - 9 - 1 073 1 227 1 380 Podium 3D Euromobile Media 3D - 30 - 897 990 1 095 Euromobile Media 20 m² 2 60 yes 842 935 1 034 Euromobile Media 16 m² 4 10 - 842 935 1 034 40

Luxembourg MOBILE Podium Degustation / Animation Contractors Size Number of faces Units Lighting Unit price 8h** Unit price 10h** Unit price 12h** Euromobile Field 20m² - 3 - 720 737 792 Show Room Animation Eurobike Mobile Indoor Action-car Euromobile Field 3D - 9 yes 902 1 007 1 111 SpicyConcave Contractors Size Number of faces Lighting Unit price 8h * driver included ** driver or hostess/promoboy not included Carried out = immediate Taxes = according to the cities Spicymotion 20m² 2 yes 825 MOBILE SpicyLed Spicymotion 6m² 5 yes 1 115 Euromobile Field 2m² 2 15 - 424 - - Euromobile Field 2m² 1 30 - 209 - - Euromobile Field 3D - 30 - 720 737 792 SpicyShowroom Spicymotion Showroom 3 yes 870 SpicyTaster Spicymotion Showroom 3 yes 970 41

Ambiant & Creativity The Cards Exclusive (Guidooh) Create (Clear Channel) Parking Media (Mobilad) Podium (JCD Airport) 42

Ambiant & Creativity B-Bock (Guidooh - Rapid Affichage) Parking Media (Mobilad - Parki) Pump Media (Mobilad) 43

Ambiant & Creativity Create (Clear Channel - Publifer) Innovate (JCDecaux) Create (Clear Channel) 44

Ambiant & Creativity Lift Media (Publi.lux) Cinestar (Brightfish) The Wall (Mediafield) Banners (Media Expo) 45

Ambiant & Creativity Beaming (Rapid Affichage) Full Wrap (JCDecaux - Lijncom - Metrabus) Swank (BlowUp Media - Mercurious - Pop Media - Urban Media) 46

Ambiant & Creativity B-Mat (Guidooh) Out Of The Box (JCDecaux - Lijncom - Metrabus) The Poster (Mediafield) Events (Medialed) 47

Ambiant & Creativity JCD Airport Rapid Affichage Swank (BlowUp Media - Mercurious - Pop Media - Urban Media) Mirror Postering (Guidooh) Pop Store (Pop Media) 48

Ambiant & Creativity Mobilad The Skyboard (Media Expo) Fillboard (Alvern Media - Publi.lux) Free Mobility Sjablonen (Rapid Affichage) Swank (BlowUp Media - Mercurious - Pop Media - Urban Media) 49

CIM Cities 50

Planning WEEK 8 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 MARCH 2016 WEEK 11 WE 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 School Holidays in Belgium MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE School Holidays in Luxemburg MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE Adshel 2m² (Street & Station) 23/02 - 29/02 JC Decaux 2m² (Street & Tube) Insert Cineposter JCD Digital F1 Delhaize 2m² Guido Campus Posters School Posters 20m² line by line 20m² line by line JC Decaux Superstar 48 & National Premium 24 & 48 MOF 36m2 Belgium / Cover / Access / Moving / Contact / Maximix / Supermix / 16+ / Mega 16+ Prestige Senior 1 & 2 * 15/02 - 28/02 08/02 - 28/02 24/02 - 08/03 (Q5) 24/02 - 08/03 (Q5) 23/02 - 07/03 24/02 - 08/03 24/02 - 08/03 29/02 - 13/03 29/02 - 20/03 23/02 - 07/03 24/02 - 01/03 25/02 - 02/03 02/03 - 08/03 03/03 - 09/03 29/02 - 13/03 29/02 - 13/03 29/02 - 13/03 09/03 - 22/03 (Q6) 09/03 - 22/03 (Q6) 08/03 - 21/03 09/03 - 22/03 09/03 - 22/03 14/03 - 27/03 08/03 - 21/03 09/03 - 15/03 10/03 - 16/03 16/03 - 22/03 17/03 - 23/03 14/03 - 27/03 14/03 - 27/03 14/03 - 27/03 01/03 - 07/03 08/03 - 14/03 15/03 - 21/03 2 JUNE 2016 JULY 2016 WEEK 25 WEEK 26 WEEK 27 WEEK 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 School Holidays in Belgium MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO T School Holidays in Luxemburg MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO T Adshel 2m² (Street & Station) 21/06 - 27/06 JC Decaux 2m² (Street & Tube) Insert Cineposter JCD Digital F1 Delhaize 2m² Guido Campus posters School posters 20m² line by line 20m² line by line JC Decaux Superstar 48 & National Premium 24 & 48 MOF 36m2 Belgium / Cover / Access / Moving / Contact / Maximix / Supermix / 16+ / Mega 16+ Prestige Senior 1 & 2 * 15/06 - 28/06 15/06 - 28/06 20/06 - 03/07 13/06 - 03/07 * Start possible every Monday 51 14/06 - 27/06 22/06 - 28/06 23/06 - 29/06 20/06 - 30/06 20/06 - 30/06 20/06 - 30/06 15/06 - 28/06 (Q13) 22/06 - 05/07 (Q13) 22/06 - 05/07 29/06 - 12/07 29/06 - 12/07 04/07 - 17/07 04/07 - 24/07 29/06 - 12/07 (Q14) 13/07 06/07 - 26/07 (Q14) 06/07 - 26/07 13/ 13/ 28/06 - 11/07 29/06 - 05/07 30/06 - 06/07 06/07 - 12/07 07/07 - 13/07 12/07 - 13/07 - 19/07 14/07 - 20/07 28/06 - 04/07 05/07 - 11/07 12/07 - 18/07

Planning APRIL 2016 WEEK 12 WEEK 13 WEEK 14 WEEK 15 WEEK 16 WEEK 17 WEEK 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 01 02 03 04 05 06 TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR 22/03 - 28/03 22/03 - 04/04 23/03 - 29/03 3 /03 /03 /03 23/03 - 05/04 (Q7) 23/03 - 12/04 (Q7) 22/03 - 12/04 23/03 - 05/04 23/03 - 05/04 /03 21/03 - 10/04 28/03 - 10/04 06/04 - 19/04 06/04 - 19/04 11/04 - 24/04 11/04 - 01/05 24/03 - 30/03 30/03 - 05/04 31/03 - 06/04 28/03 - 10/04 HOLIDAYS HOLIDAYS 06/04 - 19/04 (Q8) 13/04 - 26/04 (Q8) 13/04 - 26/04 20/04 - 03/05 20/04 - 03/05 25/04 - 08/05 29/03 - 04/04 05/04 - 11/04 05/04 - 18/04 06/04 - 12/04 07/04 - 13/04 13/04 - 19/04 14/04 - 20/04 11/04 - 24/04 11/04 - 24/04 11/04 - 24/04 20/04 - 03/05 (Q9) 27/04 - 10/05 (Q9) 27/04 - 10/05 12/04 - 18/04 19/04 - 25/04 19/04 - 02/05 20/04 - 26/04 21/04 - 27/04 27/04 - 03/05 28/04 - 04/05 25/04 - 08/05 25/04 - 08/05 25/04 - 08/05 04/ 26/04 - 02/05 03/05 - Y 2016 WEEK 29 WEEK 30 WEEK 31 WEEK 32 AUGUST 2016 WEEK 33 WEEK 34 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU M SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU M 19/07 - 25/07 12/07 - 25/07 9/07 7 - 20/07 20/07 - 26/07 21/07 - 27/07 26/07 - 01/08 26/07 - 08/08 27/07 - 02/08 28/07 - 03/08 SUMMER SPECIAL HOLIDAYS HOLIDAYS 13/07 - 26/07 (Q15) 7 (Q14) 6/07 13/07 - 26/07 13/07 - 26/07 18/07 - 31/07 25/07 - 14/08 27/07 - 09/08 (Q16) 27/07 - 16/08 (Q15) 27/07 - 16/08 27/07 - 09/08 27/07 - 09/08 01/08 - 14/08 10/08 - 23/08 10/08 - 23/08 15/08 - 28/08 15/08 - 04/09 10/08 - 23/08 (Q17) 17/08 - 30/08 (Q16) 17/08 - 30/08 24 03/08 - 09/08 04/08 - 10/08 02/08 - 08/08 09/08 - 15/08 09/08 - 22/08 10/08 - 16/08 11/08 - 17/08 17/08 - 23/08 18/08 - 24/08 16/08 - 22/08 23/08 - 29/08 23/ 24/08 - 30/08 25/08 - 31 52

MAY 2016 JUNE 2016 18 WEEK 19 WEEK 20 WEEK 21 WEEK 22 WEEK 23 WEEK 24 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU - 09/05 03/05 - 16/05 4/05 - 10/05 05/05 - 11/05 11/05 - 17/05 12/05 - 18/05 09/05 - 22/05 09/05 - 22/05 09/05 - 22/05 04/05 - 17/05 (Q10) 11/05 - 24/05 (Q10) 11/05 - 24/05 04/05 - 17/05 04/05 - 17/05 09/05 - 22/05 02/05 - 22/05 18/05 - 31/05 18/05 - 31/05 23/05 - 05/06 23/05 - 12/06 18/05 - 31/05 (Q11) 25/05 - 07/06 (Q11) 25/05 - 07/06 01/06 - 14/06 01/06 - 14/06 06/06 - 19/06 13/06 - 03/07 10/05 - 16/05 17/05 - 23/05 17/05 - 30/05 18/05 - 24/05 19/05 - 25/05 25/05 - 31/05 26/05 - 01/06 23/05 - 05/06 23/05 - 05/06 23/05 - 05/06 01/06 - 14/06 (Q12) 08/06 - 21/06 (Q12) 08/06 - 21/06 24/05 - 30/05 31/05 - 06/06 31/05 - 13/06 01/06 - 07/06 02/06 - 08/06 08/06 - 14/06 09/06 - 15/06 06/06 - 19/06 06/06 - 19/06 06/06 - 19/06 07/06 - 13/06 14/06 - 20/06 14/06 - 27/06 15/06 - 21/06 16/06 - 22/06 WEEK 35 WEEK 36 SEPTEMBER 2016 WEEK 37 WEEK 38 WEEK 39 WEEK 40 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU 30/08 - 05/09 3/08 - 05/09 31/08 - 06/09 31/08 01/09 - 07/09 06/09 - 12/09 06/09 - 19/09 07/09 - 13/09 08/09 - 14/09 05/09 - 18/09 05/09 - 18/09 01/09 - 18/09 24/08 - 06/09 (Q18) 31/08 - 13/09 (Q17) 31/08 - 13/09 24/08 - 06/09 24/08 - 06/09 29/08 - 11/09 05/09 - 25/09 07/09 - 20/09 07/09 - 20/09 12/09 - 25/09 07/09 - 20/09 (Q19) 14/09 - 27/09 (Q18) 14/09 - 27/09 21/09 - 04/10 21/09 - 04/10 26/09 - 09/10 26/09 - 16/10 14/09 - 20/09 15/09 - 21/09 13/09 - 19/09 20/09 - 26/09 20/09 - 03/10 21/09 - 27/09 22/09 - 28/09 19/09 - 02/10 19/09 - 02/10 19/09 - 02/10 21/09 - 04/10 (Q20) 28/09 - 04/10 29/09 - 05/10 27/09 - 03/10 04/10 - 10/10 04/10 - 17/10 05/10 - 11/10 06/10 - 12/10 03/10 - 16/10 03/10 - 16/10 03/10 - 16/10 05/10 - 18/10 (Q21) 28/09 - 11/10 (Q19) 28/09 - 11/10 05/10 - 18/10 05/10 - 18/10 53

Planning WEEK 41 OCTOBER 2016 WEEK 42 WEEK 43 WEEK 44 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 School Holidays in Belgium MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU School Holidays in Luxemburg MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU Adshel 2m² (Street & Station) JC Decaux 2m² (Street & Tube) Insert Cineposter JCD Digital F1 Delhaize 2m² Guido Campus posters School posters 20m² line by line 20m² line by line JC Decaux Superstar 48 & National Premium 24 & 48 MOF 36m2 Belgium / Cover / Access / Moving / Contact / Maximix / Supermix / 16+ / Mega 16+ Prestige Senior 1 & 2 * 11/10 - 17/10 04/10 - 17/10 12/10 - 18/10 13/10 - 19/10 03/10 - 16/10 03/10 - 16/10 03/10 - 16/10 05/10 - 18/10 (Q21) 12/10 - 25/10 (Q20) 12/10 - 25/10 05/10 - 18/10 05/10 - 18/10 10/10 - 23/10 26/09 - 16/10 19/10 - 01/11 19/10 - 01/11 24/10 - 06/11 17/10 - 06/11 18/10 - 24/10 25/10 - 31/10 18/10 - 31/10 19/10 - 25/10 20/10 - 26/10 17/10 - 30/10 17/10 - 30/10 17/10 - 30/10 19/10 - 01/11 (Q22) 26/10 - 08/11 (Q21) 26/10 - 08/11 02/11 02/11 26/10 - 01/11 27/10 - 02/11 01/11 - 07/11 01/11 - 14 02/11 - 08/11 03/11 - 09/11 31/10 - 13/11 31/10 - 13/11 HOLIDAYS 02/11 - 15 DECEMBER 2016 JANUARY 2017 WEEK 51 WEEK 52 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 School Holidays in Belgium MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR School Holidays in Luxemburg MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR Adshel 2m² (Street & Station) 20/12 - 26/12 JC Decaux 2m² (Street & Tube) Insert Cineposter JCD Digital F1 Delhaize 2m² Guido Campus posters School posters 20m² line by line 20m² line by line JC Decaux Superstar 48 & National Premium 24 & 48 MOF 36m2 Belgium / Cover / Access / Moving / Contact / Maximix / Supermix / 16+ / Mega 16+ Prestige Senior 1 & 2 * 13/12 - 26/12 21/12 - 27/12 22/12 - 28/12 12/12 - 25/12 12/12 - 25/12 05/12 - 25/12 14/12 - 27/12 (Q26) 21/12 - 03/01 (Q25) 21/12 - 03/01 14/12 - 27/12 14/12 - 27/12 19/12 - 01/01 19/12 - 08/01 * Start possible every Monday 54 28/12 - 10/01 28/12 - 10/01 02/01 - 15/01 09/01 - 29/0 27/12 - 09/01 28/12 - 03/01 29/12 - 04/01 26/12 - 08/01 HOLIDAYS HOLIDAYS 28/12 - 10/01 (Q1) 04/01 - 17/01 (Q1) 04/01 - 17/01 11/01 - 24/01 11/01 - 24/01 04/01 - 10/01 05/01 - 11/01 10/01 - 23/01 11/01 - 17/01 12/01 - 18/01 09/01 - 22/01 09/01 - 22/01 09/01 - 22/01 11/01 - 24/01 (Q2 18/0 1 27/12 - 02/01 03/01 - 09/01 10/01 - 16/01 17/01 -

WEEK 45 NOVEMBER 2016 WEEK 46 WEEK 47 WEEK 48 DECEMBER 2016 WEEK 49 WEEK 50 8 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 U WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU U WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU 08/11 - 14/11 14/11 09/11 - 15/11 10/11 - 16/11 11 11 07/11 -20/11 15/11 (Q23) 09/11 - 22/11 (Q22) 09/11 - 22/11 1 - 15/11 1 - 15/11 07/11 - 20/11 07/11 - 27/11 16/11 - 29/11 16/11 - 29/11 21/11 - 04/12 16/11 - 29/11 (Q24) 23/11 - 06/12 (Q23) 23/11 - 06/12 30/11 - 13/12 30/11 - 13/12 05/12 - 18/12 28/11 - 18/12 15/11 - 21/11 22/11 - 28/11 15/11 - 28/11 16/11 - 22/11 17/11 - 23/11 14/11 - 27/11 14/11 - 27/11 21/11 - 04/12 30/11 - 13/12 (Q25) 23/11 - 29/11 24/11 - 30/11 29/11 - 05/12 06/12 - 12/12 29/11 - 12/12 30/11 - 06/12 01/12 - 07/12 28/11 - 11/12 28/11 - 11/12 07/12 - 13/12 08/12 - 14/12 05/12 - 25/12 14/12 - 27/12 (Q26) 07/12 - 20/12 (Q24) 07/12 - 20/12 14/12 - 27/12 14/12 - 27/12 13/12 - 19/12 13/12 - 26/12 14/12 - 20/12 15/12 - 21/12 12/12 - 25/12 12/12 - 25/12 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 FEBRUARY 2017 WEEK 7 WEEK 8 WEEK 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 01 02 03 04 05 FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA SU - 23/01 24/01 - 30/01 31/01 - 06/02 24/01 - 06/02 01 - 24/01 19/01 - 25/01 25/01 - 31/01 26/01 - 01/02 23/01 - 05/02 23/01 - 05/02 23/01 - 05/02 2) 18/01 - 31/01 (Q2) 18/01 - 31/01 25/01 - 07/02 25/01 - 07/02 16/01 - 29/01 01 30/01 - 12/02 30/01 - 19/02 55 25/01 - 07/02 (Q3) 01/02-14/02 (Q3) 01/02-14/02 08/02 - 21/02 08/02 - 21/02 13/02 - 26/02 01/02 - 07/02 02/02 - 08/02 07/02 - 13/02 14/02 - 20/02 07/02 - 20/02 08/02 -14/02 09/02 - 15/02 06/02 - 19/02 06/02 - 19/02 06/02 - 26/02 08/02 - 21/02 (Q4) 15/02 - 28/02 (Q4) 15/02 - 28/02 15/02 - 21/02 16/02 - 22/02 21/02 - 27/03 28/03 - 06/03 21/02 - 06/03 22/02 - 28/02 23/02 - 01/03 20/02 - 05/03 20/02 - 05/03 HOLIDAYS 22/02 - 07/03 (Q5) 01/03 - 14/03 (Q5) 01/03 - 14/03 22/02 - 07/03 22/02 - 07/03 27/02 - 12/03 20/02 - 12/03 01/03 - 07/03 02/03 - 08/03

Pierre-Alain Turbang Managing Director +32 2 370 65 40 +32 496 40 60 08 Sandra Ceurens Client Service Manager +32 2 370 27 85 +32 496 16 21 39 pierre-alain.turbang@outdoorservices.be Arnaud Callaert Client Service Director +32 2 370 27 86 +32 496 54 94 94 arnaud.callaert@outdoorservices.be Nadine Van Der Borgt Administrative Manager +32 2 370 65 45 +32 476 24 90 44 nadine.vanderborgt@outdoorservices.be Eric De Wallens Field Manager +32 496 54 93 93 eric.dewallens@outdoorservices.be sandra.ceurens@outdoorservices.be Saskia Vanhaelen Client Service Manager +32 2 370 65 46 +32 477 58 05 11 saskia.vanhaelen@outdoorservices.be Katrien Ickx Client Service Manager +32 2 370 65 49 +32 496 22 04 10 katrien.ickx@outdoorservices.be Giovanna Sotgiu Client Service Manager +32 2 370 65 48 +32 474 62 29 53 giovanna.sotgiu@outdoorservices.be Gauthier Van Reepinghen Brand Activation Director +32 2 370 27 83 +32 477 91 41 91 gauthier.haka@outdoorservices.be Florent Alexandre Account Manager +32 2 370 65 43 +32 473 59 62 53 fl orent.haka@outdoorservices.be Melissa Hollevoet Account Manager +32 2 370 27 89 +32 497 80 11 43 melissa.haka@outdoorservices.be Sales Manager +32 2 370 27 82 Christophe Guisset Geomarketing Director +32 2 676 11 69 +32 472 22 24 56 christophe.guisset@outdoorservices.be OOH Media Agency • I.Vandammestraat, 5-7D 1560 Hooilaart Tel : +32 2 332 16 53 • Fax : +32 2 773 68 49 • info@outdoorservices.be

1 Online Touch


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