2. Main Impact Studies Media Surveys MultiMIB - SPIM Mulitmedia Impact Barometer – Sponsoring Impact Barometer - Client: VMMa - ATL Multimedia (TV, radio, dailies, magazines, outdoor, online display) & Sponsoring Impact Barometer (TV sponsoring) - Analysed items : ad impact (ad recognition, ad attribution, qualitative perception) and brand impact (brand awareness, image and purchase intention) - Since 1996 - Frequency : twice a month - N MultiMIB = 300 individuals (Flanders) between 15 and 54 years old per advertisement - N SPIM = 400 individuals (200 viewers + 200 non-viewers) (Flanders) between 18 and 54 years old - - Fieldwork carried out by InSites Consulting Interviewed via CAWI-methodology (internet) Topspots - Client: VMMa - - Qualitative measurement of TV spots Analysed items: likeability (affective, cognitive, call to action and basic components) - Since 2010 - N = +/- 100 individuals by spot (max 6 spots to evaluate per respondent) - Frequency : every month - - Fieldwork carried out by InSites Consulting Interviewed via CAWI-methodology (internet) 182
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