Lexicon Reach Number of contacts (readers, viewers or listeners) offered by a media vehicle or title within the issue period (in thousands of people or in % of the target group). Social groups Scale sharing the Belgian population in 8 more or less equal groups , base d o n th e leve l o f educatio n an d th e professiona l activity. (Groups 1 to 4 : high income segments of the Belgian population) Selectivity Capacity of a vehicle to score well on precise characteristics (o r o n a precis e targe t group) . I t i s calculate d b y dividin g th e vehicle’s coverage on the target group by the vehicle’s coverage on total 15+. Readers per copy (RPC) Average number of people reading the same copy of a newspaper or magazine. Obtained by dividing number of readers of an average copy by its paid or total circulation. 212
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