2. Main Impact Studies – Media Surveys CHAD CHeck your AD Previous: Impactbarometer Dailies/Magazines/online - Client: De Persgroep - Dailies, magazines, online and mobile Impact Barometer - Analysed items : ad recognition, ad attribution and quantitative parameters - Since 1986 for dailies, since 2007 for magazines - N= 200 readers of De Persgroep newspapers / magazines (NL) or visitors of De persgroep websites (NL) from 2012 on (Before N = 100) - Fieldwork carried out by Persgroep - CAWI-methodology (internet) from 2012 on (Before: Interviewed via CAPI-methodology) CHAD+ Previous Brand Value Check (BVC) - Client: De Persgroep - Multimedia Impact Barometer (dailies – magazines – online - mobile) - Analysed items : same as CHAD but with qualitative perception added (brand impression – advertising evaluation) - N= same as CHAD - 206 - Fieldwork carried out by Persgroep Interviewed via CAWI-methodology (internet)

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