Lexicon Panel Group of persons whose media behaviour is surveyed during a long period of time (examples : Audimetrie panel, listening diary panel, ). Profile PRP The demographic and/or lifestyle characteristics of a medium's audience. Person Responsible for Purchase Member of the household that is most of the time responsible for the choice of the brands of groceries, most common drink s an d maintenanc e product s use d i n th e household . RLP(LDP – LLP) Readership/Reach Last Period (Lecture Dernière Période – Lezers Laatste Periode) Rating Average percentage of a given population group consuming amediu ma t a particula r moment , weighte d b y th e lengt h o f consumption (viewing or listening time). (Fr syn. : AIP - Audience Instantanée Pondérée / Nl syn. : OGB - Onmiddellijk Gewogen Bereik) 191
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